scissor lift harness


A scissor lift harness is one of the most powerful safety tools available. They allow workers to safely complete tasks at heights. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has created strict requirements for these devices, as they protect workers from falls from aerial lifts. Not sure when to follow OSHA harness requirements for scissor lifts? Check out our related article here!

Understanding OSHA’s 2025 Scissor Lift Harness Requirements

Understanding OSHA scissor lift harness requirements is essential for workplace safety and compliance. Many operators ask, does OSHA require a harness in a scissor lift? OSHA scissor lift harness requirements state when and how lift operators must wear a harness. The requirements also state that an employer must protect workers from falls and other kinds of workplace accidents. Employers must also train and certify their workers before they begin using forklifts on the job. Failure to do so can result in expensive OSHA fines and penalties.

Does OSHA require a harness in a scissor lift? It’s a question we see a lot. As a part of its efforts to improve worker safety through accident reduction, OSHA established scissor lift harness requirements along with other personal protective equipment (PPE) to be worn while operating lifts. The regulation that requires wearing a harness in a scissor lift is OSHA standard 1926.451 (g).(1), which provides an overview of how and when to use fall protection and other PPE.

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding OSHA scissor lift harness requirements, but a thorough review of the OSHA standard, along with recent OSHA rulings have added some clarity to the issue. While OSHA doesn’t require safety harnesses for scissor lifts, they may be required due to contractor safety policies, local jurisdiction standards and other guidelines. From our perspective, it’s always a good idea to have a safety harness in place.

Enroll today, or reach out to our OSHA experts for additional guidance. We’re always happy to answer questions and point you in the right direction. Contact us online or call us at (602) 277-0615 now.

Types of Harnesses Required by OAH for Scissor Lifts

Scissor lift operators can wear a full-body harness with a fall restraint or self-retracting lifeline/lanyard system. The scissor lift safety harness can be anchored to a scissor lift via a lanyard. The harness lets a scissor lift operator work at heights without limiting their mobility. If a scissor lift operator wearing a harness with a fall restraint falls from their lift, he or she cannot drop. This is because the operator is connected to the lift.

A scissor lift harness won’t stop you from falling off an aerial lift platform. Instead, they work by “catching” the workers as they fall. Harnesses also prevent slips and trips. While some aerial lift operators consider these safety tools a hindrance, others believe they’re real lifesavers. No matter where you land on the subject, it’s important to remember that OSHA requirements trump all opinions. Failure to abide by their rules could result in injuries, accidents, fines, and other penalties. believes that all aerial lift workers, as well as workers on the ground, are entitled to a safe working environment, and that includes enforcing OSHA requirements when it’s necessary to wear a scissor lift harness.

OSHA Platform Requirements for Scissor Lifts

Do you need a harness for a scissor lift? The answer lies in the four elements of fall protection: fall arrest, positioning, suspension, and retrieval. Each element is covered in detail in CMO’s Fall Protection Training Course. OSHA doesn’t ask that safety harnesses be worn when working from scissor lift platforms as long as an adequate guardrail system exists. Even with such a guardrail available, taking fall protection training seriously is important.

Learning how to react to a fall can save your life. 

Scissor lift safety harnesses remain a highly debated issue. Our training is designed to help employees foster safe working environments for their lift operators. That’s why we cover the following topics in our Fall Protection Training and Safety Courses:

The correct use of various fall protection safety devices

Safety devices that are needed and those that aren’t

Features and benefits of various fall protection safety devices

OSHA’s requirements for using harnesses on scissor lifts

Guidelines for using scissor lift harnesses

In addition to fall protection training, we offer Class 7 vehicle operating training and aerial lift and scissor lift operator training. We also provide our Train The Trainer course, which is an ideal program for employers who want their businesses to have a safety coordinator who’s also a certified in-house aerial lift and scissor lift trainer.

Why Invest in Scissor Lift Fall Protection Training

While scissor lift safety harnesses are undeniably useful, they’re only one component of a quality safety program. offers comprehensive scissor lift fall protection training that pairs perfectly with the safety equipment used on your job site. We can teach workers when fall protection devices are necessary and how to use them properly. Our 100 percent OSHA-compliant training covers it all. 

With no books or materials to buy, students can begin learning immediately. Courses are available online 24/7 from any device with an internet connection. In as little as one hour, participants can learn when and how to use scissor lift harnesses and other safety devices designed to prevent injuries. It’s one of the best investments you can make in your employees.

Employer Responsibilities Under OSHA Regulations

Employers are required to ensure all scissor lift operators receive comprehensive training before operating the equipment. This training must cover proper operation, safety protocols, hazard recognition, and manufacturer’s guidelines specific to the equipment being used. Additionally, employers must verify operator competency through evaluation and maintain documentation of completed training. Refresher training is required when new equipment is introduced, accidents occur, or when operators demonstrate a need for additional instruction.

The employer is also responsible for maintaining the scissor lift in safe operating condition through regular inspections and maintenance according to manufacturer specifications. This includes conducting pre-use inspections, scheduled maintenance, and promptly addressing equipment deficiencies. They must ensure appropriate fall protection is available and properly used when required, maintain clear documentation of all inspections and maintenance work, and establish clear procedures for reporting and addressing safety concerns. The workplace must be assessed for potential hazards like overhead obstacles, uneven surfaces, or electrical hazards, with appropriate control measures implemented to protect workers.

Common Misconceptions About Scissor Lift Harness Use

A common misconception is that fall protection is never required on scissor lifts because they are considered mobile scaffolds with guardrails. While it’s true that guardrails are the primary form of fall protection on scissor lifts, OSHA requires operators to use personal fall protection equipment when specified by the manufacturer, when required by employer policy, or when additional fall hazards exist such as climbing on or leaning over guardrails. Simply having guardrails doesn’t automatically eliminate the need for a harness system.

Another widespread misunderstanding is that if a harness is required, any type will suffice. In reality, the harness system must be appropriate for the specific application and properly rated for fall restraint use in scissor lifts. Some believe that fall arrest systems are always better than fall restraints, but in scissor lifts, a properly used restraint system that prevents the operator from reaching fall hazards is often the safer choice. Additionally, there’s a misconception that harnesses only need to be inspected annually – in fact, they require inspection before each use for wear, damage, or deterioration. Operators sometimes believe that simply wearing a harness provides protection, overlooking the crucial importance of proper anchor point selection and connection. The anchor point must be approved by the manufacturer and capable of supporting the required loads.

Scissor Lift and Harness FAQs

Still confused about when a scissor lift safety harness is required? We’ve got you covered with our handy FAQ section: 

Do Workers Need to Wear a Harness Every Time They Use a Scissor Lift?

We’re often asked if harnesses are always required to be worn while operating scissor lifts. Workers are understandably concerned about restraints that might slow them down, while employers want to avoid potential penalties and fines by complying with OSHA scissor lift harness requirements.

OSHA harness requirements for scissor lifts were enacted to prevent falls and serious worker injuries. A 2005 OSHA memo stated the following: “When working from an elevated scissor lift, a worker need only be protected from falling by a properly designed and maintained guardrail system. However, if the guardrail system is less than adequate, or the worker leaves the safety of the work platform, an additional fall protection device would be required.” In addition, OSHA platform requirements guideline 1926.451 (g) (1) states that any worker elevated 10 feet or more above the ground or a platform below shall be protected from falling to the lower level.

Does OSHA Require Workers to Wear a Harness on a Scissor Lift?

OSHA considers guardrails to be scissor lift fall protection, partly because scissor lifts, in OSHA’s view, are considered scaffolding – not necessarily aerial lifts. Assuming there’s an adequate guardrail system in place, scissor lift harnesses aren’t required by OSHA, but for all other situations, a personal fall restraint system is mandatory. At, it’s our opinion that fall restraint safety systems should be used whenever possible. Even when there isn’t a harness required on a scissor lift, it’s a good idea to don PPE whenever possible.

The reason harnesses aren’t always required while onboard forklifts and scissor lifts is that their reach capabilities are far less than boom lifts, bucket lifts, and other aerial lifts. These types of lifts are all used to raise and lower workers, cargo, and equipment, but scissor lift platforms are larger and much closer to the ground than platforms on other aerial lifts and bucket lifts.

Sturdy guardrail systems are generally all that’s needed to keep scissor lift operators from falling off the platform. We believe, however, that it’s better to be safe than sorry. If something unexpected were to happen while working from a scissor lift platform, only a secure PFRS would arrest a fall and prevent the operator from being injured by falling and hitting the ground.

At What Height is a Harness Required on a Scissor Lift?

Since falls are one of the leading causes of death in the construction industry, fall protection systems are usually required in some form. While OSHA scissor lift harness requirements are mum on exact heights, it can be helpful to look at fall protection system requirements. OSHA says that any job performed more than six feet off the ground warrants the use of a fall protection system. 

Even when no harness is required on a scissor lift, it’s a good idea to wear one out of caution. A harness and attached lanyard can provide a safety net for those working when no guardrail is in place, or when a guardrail is insufficient. Harnesses also come in handy when a worker needs to leave their platform. If you’re hoping to avoid falls and other kinds of workplace accidents, it’s a good idea to go the extra mile with safety tools like harnesses.

When Should I Wear a Scissor Lift Harness for Safety?

When the platform is more than six feet above the surface and there isn’t a sturdy guardrail system in place

When a scissor lift harness is required by the employer and is a part of the  company’s safety policy

When recommended by the scissor lift’s manufacturer

When a worker leaves the lift’s platform while it’s elevated

When it’s required under local workplace safety standards

Critics of mandatory harness requirements note that many scissor lift manufacturers don’t include designated anchor points for securing lanyards and snap hooks. Even when it’s not specifically required, always using a safety harness when working from a scissor lift is recommended as an extra measure of job safety.

Safety training always outweighs convenience – for you and your employees.

What is a PFAS?

A Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) is a safety system that prevents injuries from falls. 

A complete PFAS consists of three critical components working together:

Anchor Point/Anchorage – A secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices. Must support at least 5,000 pounds per attached worker.

Body Support – A full-body harness that distributes fall forces across thighs, pelvis, waist, chest, and shoulders. Single-strap body belts are no longer acceptable as they can cause severe injury.

Connecting Device – Equipment like shock-absorbing lanyards, self-retracting lifelines, or rope grabs that link the harness to the anchorage point. These must limit free fall distance to 6 feet or less.

The key difference between PFAS and simpler fall protection is that arrest systems are specifically designed to both stop a fall and limit forces on the body to prevent injury. Just having a harness or lanyard alone doesn’t constitute a complete PFAS under OSHA standards. The proper use of fall protection equipment is highly recommended.

Know your scissor lift safety rules!

What are the Recommended Traffic Control Measures for Scissor Lifts?

Physical Barriers

  • – Erect warning tape, cones, or barricades around the work area
  • – Maintain a minimum clearance zone of 6 feet around the lift
  • – Install physical barriers to separate vehicle traffic from lift operations

Visual Warnings

  • – Place highly visible warning signs to alert nearby workers and vehicles
  • – Use flashing lights or beacons on the lift during operation
  • – Apply reflective tape or markings on the lift for better visibility
  • – Post speed limit signs in areas where lifts operate

Movement Controls

  • – Designate specific travel paths for scissor lifts
  • – Mark clear zones where pedestrian and vehicle traffic is prohibited
  • – Create one-way traffic patterns when possible
  • – Establish right-of-way rules between lifts and other vehicles

Administrative Controls

  • – Assign spotters for high-traffic areas or when visibility is limited
  • – Schedule lift operations during low-traffic periods when possible
  • – Create written traffic management plans for worksites
  • – Train operators on proper traffic awareness and communication procedures

Communication Methods

  • – Use hand signals between operators and ground personnel
  • – Implement radio communication protocols
  • – Install mirrors at blind corners
  • – Require verbal warnings when moving near pedestrians

Also See: Step-by-Step Guide To Safe Scissor Lift Operation

OSHA Scissor Lift Requirements Made Simple: Get Certified & Protect Your Career Today

If you’re overwhelmed by the decision to wear a scissor lift safety harness, you’re not alone. Plenty of people feel confused by OSHA’s requirements. That’s why we created a comprehensive training course for new and experienced scissor lift operators. If you’re hoping to protect yourself and your colleagues from workplace accidents and injuries, has the resources to help keep you safe.

In as little as one hour, your entire team can become OSHA-compliant. Enroll today, or reach out to our OSHA experts for additional guidance. We’re always happy to answer questions and point you in the right direction. Contact us online or call us at (602) 277-0615 now.

Reference: OSHA General Standards for Occupational Safety